An update on the other days events: Yesterday the surgeons and chief people had a meeting early on to discuss what happened. Turns out the entire hospital ran out of oxygen and then even out of our back up supply. They put all of the surgeries(not just ours) on hold until the problem was resolved. It saddens me to think Roger's passing could've been prevented but I was so comforted to know of his faith in Lord. His friends and family said they were at peace b/c he was a believer. After getting permission from the Kenyan gov't Roger was able to be buried in Bomet (right next to Tenwek). Unfortunately, despite their efforts to track down Kristen, Mary, and myself they couldn't find us to go to his funeral; I think we were still sleeping. Beth White (the head surgeons wife) said his burial was beautiful and he had two friends there which makes me happy.
This last night was a long night with a lot of scares. They ended up doing a case around 2pm yest. SHe came up around midnight and bled and bled and bled. They only have PRBCs here so we just kept giving volume and she kept bleeding. We had to call the surgeon in around 3am and we discussed going back to the OR. Initially we were worried about giving any clotting meds b/c she has a mechanical valve now but after much discussion we decided to give her an amicar bolus and start an infusion. Two liters of chest tube output later it finally slowed down. I left around 830am and she was having more pressure issues but Kristen B and Kristen D took over and made me leave. I went home and slept a few hours and then came back to the unit around 4. Thank God, she was doing so much better! Still on epi and requiring boluses but we extubated successfully! They did two cases today. The first one, Caroline did AWESOME. She was extubated quickly and already coughing, talking, drinking! The second case will be coming out any minute. They forced me to go eat some dinner so I'll head back up soon to help. Oh, and Duncan's about to go to the floor. He's such a quiet and sweet old man! We call him Big D!
I really really thank you all for your support. The team really feels the love! And the people here are so generous. They cook all our meals and clean all our clothes. I don't really feel comfortable with them doing it all but they want to. They are a very different breed of people. In the hospital there is not always a lot of urgency and then we are running around like crazy people when we could really slow down so I think we balance each other out. Alice and Joyce are two tenwek nurses that are AWESOME! Alice was there the night Roger passed and she just jumped right in and helped us with some things. Joyce was with me last night and within 5 minutes of requesting something(like a pump cord, blood, pulse ox, etc) she was right there with it! They are so helpful b/c we are very out of our element!
Hopefully, I will get to go visit the orphanage soon. We've been so crazy it's been hard to get away but some time with those smiling faces will be much needed! I hope you are all having a good week back home. While we are here know that I continue to pray for you all and especially my work peeps at vandy. I know we left at a time when a lot of things were happening in the unit so know that I am always thinking of our little babies and my amaazzing coworkers!!! I miss your faces! Thanks for you all!
We miss you, too, Anna! Thank you for taking the time to update. LOVE TO YOU ALL! :)