Friday, December 24, 2010

The Virgin Blogger

I'm not gonna lie to you, b/c that's a terrible first impression, but I've never been a fan of blogging....until I started working night shift and am up at unhuman-like hours and get real bored. First, I gave in to Twitter. I was probably the first person to ever say "I refuse to get that tweeter thang it's the dumbest idea I've ever heard of"....and then, as you can see, I folded on the blogging trend. So, here I am. 2:41am. I just finished putting together a Christmas gift to a dear friend who's changed my life a lot in recent months. Very cool how that happens. I'll get into that later.

So, now that you understand I'm really good at giving into the latest internet trends(yes, I realize blogging is a more 'old school' trend but new to me?) I guess I'll start with who I am and what I want to accomplish with this blog. Then I'll just talk about my family and friends b/c quite frankly I'm probably the least entertaining blogger you'll ever encounter. Please excuse my grammatical grammers. My 6th grade teacher, Mrs. Pitts, tried so hard with those sentence diagrams but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. 

My names Anna. You can call me....Anna. It works well. My parents called me that when I was born and it stuck? If you can think of anything better that's not crude, rude, or just dumb feel free to do that. The present day I am a nurse at Vanderbilt Children's hospital in the Cardiac ICU. I've been there for almost a year now and, still, every time I say it I feel so blessed to not only have a job but to have the job of my dreams. You know, the funny thing about my last statement is I really never dreamt about being a nurse in the PCICU but alas, I am. It wasn't 'til I got there that I realized this was what I'd been searching for all along. I guess God thought it would be more fun to surprise me than give me a heads up. Side note: I'm really glad there's spell check on here. Nonetheless, I'm very lucky and couldn't imagine not working with my little heart babies. I'll tell you more about my life later...

My mission for this blog is for you to hold me accountable. For so long I've had thoughts, ideas, interests, etc. and kept them to myself, or maybe even told my mom once or twice, but they never came to fruition. No more straddle the fence on this stuff anymore. So, here it is: My number ONE mission is to be a servant for Jesus Christ. Mission number two is figuring out how I can do that. Mission number three is, welp, doing it. Mission number four is sharing it. Enter scene: blogspot. yea! 

As ppl get to know me they find that I am a very habitual human being. I like my comfort zones. I like where I am and I absolutely do not like change. I think growing up in the same house, city, school system, friend network my whole life instilled that in me. I realize God has called me to serve in Nashville at Vanderbilt but I also feel a calling for even more...even further. In order to break my cycle of comfort I'm stepping outside my small step at a time...It started when I switched churches. I LOVED the church I used to attend and thought the pastor was an amazing person but my heart was uneasy. I didn't feel like I fit in and even more importantly I didn't have the desire to. I pretty much went to church by myself for 2 years. I invited ppl and some would come, others decided not to, but I didn't pursue them as I should've. After much prayer and talking with close friends I decided to look for a new church home. I was almost embarrassed to admit that for awhile. I mean, I've lived her my entire life and I'm looking for a church family? Shouldn't that be established by now? Well, not necessarily. I need something different. I've grown; I've changed.

I'm now attending Brentwood Baptist church on Sundays and Tuesdays(Kairos). Just this past Tuesday I talked to a girl about her "20 somethings" sunday school class. Well, alright! I do believe I'll give it a go. Making this switch has been so awesome. I've got a core group of friends that attend with me and I feel like I'm where God was telling me I should be. I love my old church but I had to move on. All this to say, I'm listening and I'm trying to make changes to further my spiritual walk with Christ. I find the more I pray, the more I hear, the more I desire to do, and it becomes this fun cycle of living out God's will. Paul says to the Jews and Gentiles of Rome in Romans 12:1-2:

"1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."

Has anyone ever told you Paul knows what's up? Ok, well, I am. He's baller. God speaks so much truth through paul. Everytime I read it it's like a pep talk. Ok so anyway. Thanks for listening to me ramble. This is just the start...


1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh I look forward to reading this often, Banana! LOVES it! This makes me want to update mine and actually make it a "thing" I do :) Love to love ya, boo!
