So, here's my delimma: I want to attempt to dress cute in NYC, I want to fit it all in one suitcase, but I want to stay WARM, ergo, I want to take all my jackets. The problem is the number of jackets I feel I need for each outfit don't want to fit in the suitcase. So, I guess it comes down to do I want to blend in with the fashiony ppl or do I want to keep all my appendages? Although, Southwest bags DO fly FREE so I could have more than one bag....but who really wants to be that girl that has to go to baggage pick up when all her friends don't? you see why I have a headache.
Anyway, good news: I got called off work on Christmas! yea! I got to spend the night with my family, then see my lifetime(not the tv network) girl friends, then hang with Miss Kara and MH! It was a fun, unexpected Christmas present from the PCICU. However, I was soon back to work. I spent the last two nights with my sweet little patient, "Bubba". Now, I'm off for one day and then head to the great state of New York!
While packing for NYC I couldn't help but think about the next time I'll be packing for a trip. Weird, I know. If the packing is stressing me out so much why would I even want to think about the next time I have to pack? Well, it was more like I wondered where I may be going next, for how long, how far, and if I need to get a larger suitcase. I didn't have to wonder long cuz I actually have an idea of where it will be, when it will be, who it will be with, and what size suitcase I'll need. I suppose I'll fill you in on my next adventure (although, I do hope there's more in between).
In July I hope to go to Africa. Pshyea, I know. When I was a freshman in college I started hearing about the Invisible Children. I remember some people came to host a convocation about the Invisible Children in northern Uganda and I bought the documentary to check it out. It opened my eyes to hate in this world I never knew existed. I'd heard about poverty, war, and genocide but this really brought it to me. Three guys from Cali risked their lives to document the conflict b/t the government officials and the rebel army. They spent nights with the very children that were hiding from the rebels so they wouldn't abduct them and train them to to do evil. Ever since then my desire for mission work with children has grown-- Especially missions in Africa. Is it weird to say that much hatred has inspired me? I think you know what I mean. I've always prayed for the opportunity to present itself when God felt I was most ready. James 1:27 says " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the word". If you say so, God! I am in a place in my life that I can do this. It will take time, it will take money, it will take a giant leap of faith but I know God will provide. Like I said in my first post, this blog is meant to hold me accountable. I've been too comfortable in my bubble and I'm making strides to get out of this comfort zone. I'm pretty sure Africa falls under the umbrella of "outside my bubble".
The deets, you may ask....this all came together one night when my good friend Kara and I were discussing our faith and how we have so much room to grow. We talked about needing a radical change and wanting to experience something drastically different from our day-to-day life. Turns out, Kara had been praying a lot about mission work as well and she discovered a non-profit organization called Visiting Orphans through a friend of hers. So, God willing, July14-27 we are planning on going to Uganda and Ghana. I'm continuing to pray for the courage, wisdom, time from work, and the finances among many other things to make this possible. Please pray, too! and if you feel a calling to go then holler at me! The more the merrier!
Now that I've shared with you what my next big move is I should probably finish packing cuz my plane leaves in like 8 hours. Thanks for listening, praying, encouraging!